
Designing the website of Handlebar, a biker bar and restaurant.

My Role

UI Designer


Branding, User flow, UI design


Feb 2022



Creative brief

Target Audience

Handlebar is a grungy biker-themed restaurant serving American-style food. It is known for its laid back and relaxed atmosphere, featuring outdoor seating and occasionally a live band. Their usual crowd is a diverse group of bikers in their 30s-60s.


I wanted to create a grungy, rock-and-roll theme to match the energy of Handlebar, but the website should still be presentable, uncluttered, user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Brand voice and tone

To match the laid-back, outdoor dining ambience of HB, I had to use a casual, friendly and welcoming tone in my content.


The client’s only requirement was to keep the general theme black and white, with very minimal blue (matching their restaurant signage) as an accent colour.

Information architecture

Outlining a user flow

I outlined a user task flow of what a basic start to finish journey looks like while making a reservation / making a merchandise purchase. This helped me to see the complete website experience at a holistic level and understand the pages that I needed to create

The mock ups

Next steps

This project is still a work in progress. I am currently working on the mobile responsive designs and will update here soon! :)

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